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JFC Naples organizes exercise planning course in Kuwait

KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait – An Exercise Planning Course Mobile Training Team (EPC MTT), organized by Allied Joint Force Command Naples, was conducted at the Kuwait-based NATO-Istanbul Cooperation Initiative Regional Centre, Oct. 2 to 5, 2017.
The aim of this EPC MTT was to present the NATO exercise planning process to a number of officers and to make sure they would understand the concepts and standards for the preparation of a training venue.
Conducted by three officers coming from The JFC Naples Training and Exercise Branch, the workshop involved 26 participants from military forces of the State of Kuwait and represented the first training event organized by NATO in this facility.
The main focus of this training was to explain the logical sequence of the different parts composing the NATO xercise planning process, covering topics of discussion such as concept and specification development, planning and product development, operational conduct, and analysis and reporting.
Organizers said open discussions were conducted throughout the whole session. 
"All the objectives established have been reached,” said French Army Lt. Col. Christophe Le Cerf, section head of J7 training and exercise future operations - exercise delivery. "All the participants acquired a clear understanding and the ability to describe the process with the interactions between the different steps.”
Fawaz AlOthman, manager of NATO-ICI Regional Centre, during his remarks, presented the context of the creation of this facility and at this point he highlighted the different partnership engagements that Kuwait has with NATO.
The NATO-ICI Regional Centre in Kuwait is training and a professional development hub bringing together NATO and ICI members under the auspices and management of the Kuwait NSB. It was been inaugurated this year by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg who highlighted on this occasion the Centre’s potential in strengthening the partnership between NATO and Gulf partners, including in the fight against terrorism.
This Exercise Planning Course was the first training course hosted by the NAT-ICI Regional Centre.
Story courtesy of JFC Naples J7

An Exercise Planning Course Mobile Training Team (EPC MTT),  organized by Allied Joint Force Command Naples,  was conducted at the Kuwait-based NATO-Istanbul Cooperation Initiative Regional Centre,  Oct. 2 to 5,  2017. (Photo courtesy of NATO-ICI Centre,  Kuwait)

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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