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JFC Naples conducts exercise planning course in Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia -- Upon request of the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Division (PSOD), Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted an exercise planning course for participants drawn from the AU and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) planning elements, May 22-26, 2017, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The relevance of the planning course comes from the African Standby Forces (ASF) training Directive-2017 where it was decreed by the AU Specialized Technical Committee on Safety and Security that regions should be rostered beginning at the start of 2017, on a six-month rotational basis, to implement and harmonize training initiatives utilizing the continental training framework. The exercise planning course is a venue for the AU Peace and Security Division to provide the need for continuous training in line with the strategic direction provided by the AU specialized committee.

The Course was conducted by a Mobile Education and Training Team (METT) from JFC Naples and assisted by the NATO Senior Military Liaison Office to the AU. A total of 26 military, police and civilian personnel from various regions and three servicemembers from PSOD took part in the course. More than 20 REC participants, coming from Addis Ababa, were sponsored by JFC Naples.

NATO’s liaison office came through the preparations in close coordination with PSOD’s Capability Development Unit (CDU) and host organization, East African Standby Force (EASF) Force Headquarters. Preparations at EASF Force HQ started two months ago and continued with recces conducted together by SMLO and JFC Naples, and multiple meetings within AU and EASF Force HQ.

METT EPC started with opening remarks from AU representative, retired Brig. Gen. Robert Kabage, EASF Force Commander Brig. Gen. Alaadin Osman Mirghani and course director Lt. Col. Christophe Lecerf. The course provided students a fundamental knowledge of the NATO exercise planning process and introduced basic documents, definitions and responsibilities.

During the closing ceremony, Kabage, Mirghani and participants expressed their appreciation to NATO for sponsoring and conducting the course and wished the continuation of EPC, with an extended period of two weeks, for other planning officers who did not take it.
The preparations for the NSO Operational Planning Course, to be conducted from June 26-30, 2017, by NSO at EASF Force HQ, are continued with the same general pattern followed for EPC.
Story by NATO SMLO

Upon request of the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Division (PSOD),  Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted an exercise planning course for participants drawn from the AU and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) planning elements,  May 22-26,  2017,  in Addis Ababa,  Ethiopia. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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