Members of the Mauritanian Armed Forces participate in a Counter-Insurgency Mobile Training event. The COIN MTT corresponds to one of the main partnership goals signed between the NATO Headquarters and Mauritania. Photo by Mauritanian Armed Forces.
NOUAKCHOTT, Islamic Republic of Mauritania – In the global frame of the "projecting stability” concept, Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted a Counter-Insurgency Mobile Training Team (COIN MTT) to the Mauritanian Armed Forces, November 20 to 24.
This COIN MTT corresponds to one of the main partnership goals signed between the NATO Headquarters and Mauritania.
The JFC NAPLES team shared NATO doctrine and a large variety of cases studies related to counter-insurgency with 31 Mauritanian officers.
The MTT presented the insurgent action within its general subversive context. The large variety of aspects presented: political, tribal, economical, Special Operations, Intelligence, C-IEDs, urban areas and desert warfare, gave the opportunity to deliver the most precise picture of the subversive trends.
Thirty-one officers, from lieutenant to major, representing the Mauritanian Special Forces, Air Force, Navy, Gendarmerie, National Guard and the Minister of Interior enhanced the course with testimonies based on their operational experience.
Colonel Sidi Mohamed ould Hamadi, Mauritanian Chief of Defence advisor on NATO partnership, and German Army Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss, JFC Naples assistant chief of staff J9, chaired the closing ceremony; during his closing remarks, Hamadi expressed his gratitude to JFC Naples and the COIN MTT for their involvement and the lessons provided. An office call with Major General Hanana ould Sidi, armed forces deputy commander, pointed out the very good relationship between Mauritania and NATO, focusing on training and education interactions.
Story by JFC Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch