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JFC Naples computer support division concludes infrastructure project

LAGO PATRIA, Italy - A comprehensive project led by JFC Naples’ computer support division to improve the headquarter’s command and control capability as an essential part has recently been completed.
The equipment installed when the Lago Patria based opened in 2012 has increasingly demanded more intensive and costly maintenance, so the decision was taken to invest in replacement systems which cost 50% less than the original equipment and provide a 90% reduction in running costs over their expected life of ten years.

The video wall solutions are tailored to need for each use environment. The JOC solution takes advantage of leading edge direct-LED technology, such as those used in sport stadiums, with extreme brightness, long life, and low sustainment costs. 
Luciano Baldari, the project manager said: "The JOC’s 24m2 wall was specially manufactured as one of the first internal, high-resolution applications of the technology and it is one of the largest currently in existence in Europe”.

The solutions for the conference rooms use high-resolution arrays of LED-LCD monitors providing highly reliable, easy maintenance and extremely cost-effective displays.
Normally measured in years, this project was completed within 5 months of funds allocation, including 3 months of manufacturing time. The project success was a reflection of a team effort consisting of JFCNP computer and funding specialist as well as contracted civilian companies: I&C International Consulting S.r.l., Impianti S.p.A with video walls fabricated by Deltronics S.r.l., and SIRTI S.p.A.
The project’s successful conclusion proves JFC Naples’ capability to provide the quickest and most cost-effective acquisition and project management option for urgent operational IT requirements.
Story by JFC Naples J6 division

The Joint Operations Center video display wall during the test phase.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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