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JFC Naples assumes command of NATO Response Force

In a short ceremony at JFC Naples, the NATO headquarters raised the colors of the NATO Response Force, signifying that it was now in command of the force for 2017.
Addressing the Headquarters Staff, Admiral Michelle Howard US Navy, Commander  JFC Naples  highlighted her three focus areas as being  vigilance, resilience and enduring relationships,  saying " Our Alliance maintains a defensive posture, but we remain committed to each other so that if conflict should arise, we will prevail. "
She added  " I am proud of the work we have put in to prepare for this year as the NRF Command headquarters and I’m proud to be here and serve with each and every one of you.”
As the lead headquarters for the NRF during 2017, JFC Naples will be supported by the UK’s Allied Rapid Reaction Force for Land operations, Strike Force NATO for Maritime operations, the UK Joint Force Air Component, the Special Operations Component Command, the Joint Logistics Support Group from JFC Naples and the Multinational Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear Battalion.  Combat forces from across the Alliance have been placed on high readiness and are available to support NRF 2017 if required.

Photo and story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY