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High School Alfonso Gallo visits JFC Naples

NAPLES, Italy – Almost 100 students and teachers from a high school spent a day touring Allied Joint Force Command Naples, February 6, 2017. The visitors came from "Alfonso Gallo” of Aversa, Caserta.

Dr. Diana Sodano,  JFC Naples community relations officer, briefed the students about the structure, mission and goals of JFC Naples, and the pupils were provided an overview of the new headquarters.  As part of the presentation, the students viewed a video about  JFC Naples and its capabilities and then received a Joint Operations Center,  or JOC, brief by Italian Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Luigi Verzelletti via video teleconference on the Joint Operations Center (JOC) and their activities.  
The program continued with a presentation by Anthony M. Quattrone, Ph.D., Civilian Human Resources Head, on the role of the NATO International Civilians in NATO, followed by a presentation by Cpt. Umberto Cervone, Italian Army, NATO Communication Information Systems Group (NCIS) 2nd NATO Signal Battalion who gave a complete overview of the Satellite Communication Activities.

The students were then greeted in person by JFC Naples Chief of Staff, Italian Army Lieutenant General Luciano Portolano.  Afterwards the students were granted a question and answer period with the general. 

The visit concluded with a walking tour of the base including the community center, gym, library and the pool, which provided the students with a better understanding of how NATO members live and work within their community.

The visit is part of the community relations campaign to establish a good cultural and social exchange with the external community and to strengthen the relationship with local and regional institutions.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY