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ARPAC representatives visit JFC Naples community

Story by Diana Sodano

NAPLES, Italy –  An informative seminar about the Campania Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment (ARPAC) activities was held at JFC Naples, Oct. 30, 2017. 

The main topic of discussion was the quality of the environment and monitoring of the "Land of Fires" and experts from the ARPAC briefed  the JFC Naples community about their monitoring activities and the results reached so far. The seminar offered a perfect occasion to become acquainted with a Regional Entity whose environment monitoring activity is unknown to most, especially with regard to the so called  "Land of Fires”. 

The Special ARPAC Commissioner, Luigi Stefano Sovino, briefed the community about the institutional role and the technical and operational activities of the ARPAC, mainly focused on the checkups and monitoring of the environmental matrix.  The area scenario, in particular the area of Lago Patria, shows a series of challenges but many actions have been taken to prevent and fight the general pollution, especially for the rehabilitation of the polluted sites, the quality of the waters, the air and the land, in addition to the activities for  the "land of the fires”.

The ARPAC delegation had the opportunity to meet with Lt.Gen. Luciano Portolano, JFC Naples Chief of Staff, who thanked them for the important message given not only to the Italian community but also to the international community with their visit and he appreciates their effort to improve the environmental situation outside the NATO’s compound. 

This event is part of the community relations program to strengthen the relationship with the institutional department within Campania Region.

An informative seminar about the Campania Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment (ARPAC) activities was held at JFC Naples,  Oct. 30,  2017. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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