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A new cycle on the REGEX Initiative begins

BELGRADE, Serbia – The first Regional Collective Training and Planning Workshop in support of REGEX 18 took place, September 4-8, 2017.

REGEX is a NATO supported opportunity for partner countries to plan and conduct an exercise from the beginning to the end according to their training requirements. Serbia has taken the lead for REGEX 18 to be followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina (REGEX 16) and Jordan (REGEX 17) as Partner Nations. The workshop successfully focused on the first two stages of the Exercise Planning Process (EPP).

The Workshop, that involved 43 participants from 15 Partner countries, has been mentored by a JFC Naples REGEX support team, led by German Army Brigadier General Reinhard KLOSS.  For the first time at all, representatives from Colombia attended such an event.
The Head of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff's intelligence branch, Brigadier General Ilija TODOROV, emphasized during his opening remarks that the Serbian Armed Forces are ready to participate in and organize this exercise. Later on, Brigadier General KLOSS thanked Serbia for its decision to host REGEX 18.

Allied Joint Force Command Naples is planning to conduct six follow-up REGEX 18 workshops and the Execution Phase in 2018. The REGEX initiative supports NATO objectives by making partner nations familiar with NATO procedures by building up trust and understanding for a better cooperation in the region, and by promoting increased interoperability.
Story Allied Joint Force Command Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch.

The first Regional Collective Training and Planning Workshop in support of REGEX 18 has been conducted at Belgrade,  September 4-8,  2017.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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