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NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (Land) arrives in Romania

Story by NATO Public Affairs Office
SIBIU, Romania – More than 5,000 NATO troops and associated equipment assigned to the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (Land) completed the last logistical movements into Cincu, Romania June 6 as part of Exercise Noble Jump 2017.

Wasting no time since arriving, those VJTF(L) units who arrived in Romania since deploying on May 29 have been busy conducting multinational Combat Enhancement Training (CET) missions, which focus on the interoperability between the armed forces of participating countries.

"Any opportunity that we get to train with our multinational partners, and especially other members of NATO, is a great opportunity for us,” said US Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Adam Sprinkle, an AH-64 Apache attack helicopter pilot assigned to the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade from Ansbach, Germany. "Every country operates a little bit differently and building the rapport and the working relationship is an invaluable training point.”

Training conducted to date includes everything from basic infantry and armor movements to medical evacuation as well as complex air assault missions. Another week’s worth of Force Integration Training (FIT) will follow before Noble Jump concludes with an impressive combined arms manoeuvre live fire exercise June 14.

Designed to test the core elements of NATO’s Readiness Action Plan (RAP), Noble Jump is putting the VJTF(L) through its paces by rapidly deploying it to an assigned area of operations.

The VJTF(L) have deployed from bases in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Norway and Albania and have been reinforced by approximately 2,000 Romanian troops and more than 1,000 enablers.

Arriving by various combinations of air, sea, rail and road, NATO Allies are providing tangible proof that the Alliance is able to deliver a rapid deterrent response to any situation that threatens it.

Polish soldiers familiarise themselves with a US Army AH-64 attack helicopter during Exercise Noble Jump 2017 June 5 in Cincu,  Romania. The exercise involves approximately 5, 000 troops and is designed to test rapid deployment of NATO spearhead land forces from bases throughout Europe by land,  air,  sea,  road and rail. (NATO photo/Released)

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