BAGHDAD, Iraq – Members of Allied Joint Force Command Naples Civil Military Integration and Civil Military Cooperation branch conducted a Mobile Training Team mission in Iraq with a civil-military planning seminar in support of NATO training and capacity building in Iraq, Jan. 30-Feb. 1.
At the Warsaw Summit last July, NATO leaders decided to respond positively to a request from the Iraqi Prime Minister and agreed to start training and advising Iraqi Security Forces and institutions in Iraq by January, 2017. The presence includes a NATO core team and mobile training teams, consisting of both civilian and military personnel from different NATO countries.
The focus of NATO’s efforts in Iraq is on three main areas, agreed upon with the Iraqi authorities and tailored to the needs of the Iraqi Security Forces and institutions: counter-improvised explosive devices, explosive ordnance disposal and de-mining along with civil-military planning and reform of the Iraqi security institutions. Key counterparts for NATO amongst the Iraqi authorities are the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Interior and the Counter-Terrorism Service. On the ground, NATO cooperates with a wide range of international actors, which include the U.N., the Global Coalition to counter ISIL, and individual countries, to ensure that what it does provides added value and complements the efforts of other entities in support to Iraq’s long term stability.
During the workshop, approximately 30 senior officers from the Iraqi Armed Forces, the Ministry of Interior, and the Counter Terrorism Service attended a three-day seminar on civil-military planning for operations at the "Al-Nahrain” Center training facility in Baghdad. The aim of the seminar was to support Iraq in making its operations more effective while reducing their impact on the civilian population, improving stabilization and reconstruction efforts, improving governance and addressing the root causes of conflict and terrorism. The training was provided by two instructors from JFC Naples, Italian Army Col. Fabrizio Zacche’ and German Army Lt. Col. Michael Maus. The students also had the opportunity to receive a briefing from the Iraqi International Committee of the Red Cross Delegate to the Armed Forces, Jean-Jacques Gacond, bringing to their attention the role of ICRC during a conflict and civil and military cooperation during emergency crises.
At the end of the seminar, John Manza, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations and the NATO Senior Civilian in Iraq, participated at the certificate’s ceremony together with Iraqi Army Brig. Gen. Emad H. Ameen, senior Instructor of the Iraqi Defence University. Ameen, while addressing the group, expressed his gratitude to NATO and the JFC Naples MTT for such committed assistance.
Organizers say the JFC Naples' MTT activity supports NATO objectives and helps build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region and promote increased interoperability with NATO.