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Partner Nations take part during TRIDENT JUNCTURE 16

NAPLES, Italy – Staff officers from five partner nations took part in the execution phase of the TRIDENT JUNCTURE 16 exercise at Allied Joint Force Command Naples, Oct. 24-Nov. 3, 2016.
A total of 27 participants from the partner nations took part in the event supporting JFC Naples from 3 different locations: Naples, Stavanger, Norway and Ramstein, Germany. The partner staff officers from Finland, Georgia, Jordan, Sweden and Ukraine were deployed across the Initial Command Element, the Joint Logistics Support Group, the reinforced Joint Task Force Headquarters and the Air Component Command.

The exercise was a great opportunity to test partner involvement in different functional areas to support future Alliance activities as a part of the NATO Response Force. 
As the exercise came to a close, German Army Brig. Gen. Reinhard Kloss, Assistant Chief of Staff for military partnership and civil-military cooperation, expressed gratitude to the partner officers for their support and emphasized the continued importance of partner attendance at JFC Naples exercises. He also noted that partner involvement in NATO exercises will contribute to fostering interoperability among partner nations from all partnership frameworks, and will promote future military cooperation with the Alliance.

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch

NAPLES,  Italy – Staff officers from five partner nations took part in the execution phase of the TRIDENT JUNCTURE 16 exercise at Allied Joint Force Command Naples,  Oct. 24-Nov. 3,  2016.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
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