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JFC Naples conducted a Joint Mobile Training Team to Mauritania

 Non- Commission Officers from Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted a Joint Mobile Training Team to Mauritania.

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania - Non- Commission Officers (NCOs) from Allied Joint Force Command Naples (JFCNP) conducted a Joint Mobile Training Team (JMTT) to Mauritania from 29 November - 02 December, 2016. Led by French Army Sergeant Major Olivier Etre, the JFCNP team provided NCO development and leadership training to 28 NCOs from the Mauritanian Army.

This was JFC Naples first JMTT mission to Mauritania in support of NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue program which directly supports one of the Joint Force Command's key tasks of engaging with partners. Together with the team from JFCNP, the NCOs of the Mauritanian Army discussed such topics as NATO structure and history, ethics, counselling and leadership. This JMTT is based on the NATO and SWISS NCO leadership courses.
"It is a great chance to learn from each other, especially for the NCOs because they are the backbone of every military organisation" said the ACOS J3 of the Mauritanian Headquarters.

Five team members from France, Germany and the United States delivered their collective experience to enrich the discussion on the role of the NCO in a multinational environment. The most important point for this JMTT was to establish the relationship to provide an open range to share ideas and experience with our partners. Overall, the JFC Naples JMTT graduated 28 Mauritanian NCOs and fulfilled the motto of the JMTT program: "we train our own!"
Story by JFC Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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