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MND-SE conducts opening ceremony for exercise 'Dacian Lynx'

BUCHAREST, Romania – Multinational Division Southeast (MND-SE) headquarters commander, Brigadier General Ovidiu Uifăleanu, chaired the opening ceremony for Exercise "Dacian Lynx 2016" in Bucharest on May 5, 2016.
The event reaffirms NATO’s strong commitment to collective defense, one of the main core tasks of the Alliance. The new headquarters provides a high readiness capability to command forces deployed within the southeast region of NATO’s border nations.

"I am very proud of what we have achieved until today. This exercise is not the end of our effort; this exercise should become the start position for our future challenges,” said Brig. Gen. Uifăleanu. "Dacian Lynx is the last exercise dedicated entirely to us. From mid May, HQ MND-SE is ready to lead national and NATO exercises.”

DALX16 is expected to consist of a command post exercise and computer assisted exercise for operational and tactical level staff training. The exercise involves approximately 250 military personnel from 11 NATO state members, including NATO Force Integration Units (NFIUs) in Bulgaria and Romania.

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BUCHAREST,  Romania – Multinational Division Southeast (MND-SE) headquarters commander,  Brigadier General Ovidiu Uifăleanu,  chaired the opening ceremony for Exercise 'Dacian Lynx' 2016 in Bucharest on May 5,  2016.

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