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KFOR conducts Change of Command

PRISTINA, Kosovo - Kosovo Force conducted the Change of Command Ceremony between Major General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta and Major General Giovanni Fungo at Camp Film City Pristina.
The ceremony was attended by the commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, U.S. Navy Admiral Michelle Howard, the Italian Chief of Defense, General Claudio Graziano as well as President Thaçi and senior Representatives of Institutions in Kosovo and the International Community.

Admiral Howard thanked General Miglietta for the important results achieved while pursuing KFOR XX motto "Shaping the Change”. In her speech, she stated, "I have personally been impressed with your calm judgement, professionalism, and ability to reach out across the spectrum of religious, political, and military leaders to find solutions to complex issues.”
After that, Admiral Howard welcomed General Fungo and wished him all the best for his forthcoming tenure as KFOR XXI Commander.

General Miglietta expressed gratitude to NATO senior commanders Admiral Howard and her predecessor Admiral Ferguson for their ongoing guidance and support. He also thanked the Italian Chief of Defense, General Graziano for his generous trust and copious support.

"This past year, KFOR XX has continued working to consolidate progress and to keep the momentum towards full stabilization of the region.”, said General Miglietta.
"All KFOR soldiers, commanders and I have been particularly honored to have worked so closely in such productive way. Our motto - Shaping the Change - expressed itself in the way we operated”, concluded General Miglietta.
Story and photos by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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Kosovo Force conducted the Change of Command Ceremony at Camp Film City Pristina,  September 1,  2016.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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