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JFC Naples team monitors evaluation in Serbia

VRANJE, Serbia – An Allied Joint Force Command Naples J9-JENG Divisions Monitoring Team, led by French Army Lt. Col. Benoit Estour from J9 Division Military Partnership Branch (MPB), monitored an Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and Feedback (OCC E&F) evaluation of a newly declared General Support Engineer Company of the Serbian Armed Forces, September 26-30, 2016.

The evaluation was conducted by Serbian Armed Forces evaluators in accordance with the OCC E&F methodology, which is designed to improve unit interoperability and ability to contribute to multinational operations. The evaluation team was reinforced by international evaluators from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, and Finland, and the multi-national composition of the team was itself an indicator of the willingness of the Serbian Armed Forces to conduct a transparent and valid evaluation. Organizers said the exercise was well prepared and organized and the company involved showed high motivation and professionalism.

Members of the monitoring team said that OCC E&F is a mutually beneficial and important tool, which helps modernize the defense forces of Partners and contributes to ongoing capacity building efforts in NATO as well.

Story by French Army Lt. Col. Benoit Estour, Allied Joint Force Command Naples.
Photos by Serbian Armed Forces

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Team members from JFC Naples monitor the evaluation of a newly declared unit from the Serbian Armed Forces.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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