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JFC Naples team conducts operational planning training in Tunisia

TUNIS - Tunisia – a Joint Force Command Naples team engaged with the Tunisian Armed Forces in Tunis, Nov 21-25 2016.

The Mobile Training Team (MTT) composed of four subject matter experts introduced 14 Tunisian officers from Navy, Army and Air Force to the overall operational planning process (OPP) of NATO.

Conducted at "LA GOULETTE” naval base, the course was aimed at presenting the planning methodology through lectures and practical examples, relying on the Tunisian delegation experience and scenario studies. Through frank and fruitful exchanges, the Tunisian officers contributed actively and with a high level of professionalism to the workshops, as already proved during previous OPP MTTs in Tunisia.

Captain Jalel HADHRI, head of the training department at the naval base, highlighted the added value of such a course. He expressed his gratitude to JFC Naples for this assistance, proved throughout the course by the warm welcome of the Tunisian authorities and the reconnaissance expressed by the students at the course closure.
This MTT is a practical expression of NATO’s engagement through partnerships and highly contributes to the mutual trust and interoperability with NATO.
Story and photos courtesy of J9.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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