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JFC Naples MTT conducts planning course in Tunisia

HAMMAMET, Tunisia – A Mobile Training Team, or MTT, from Allied Joint Force Command Naples’ J4 Logistics Division conducted an operational level planning course in Tunisia at the General Directorate of Rolling Materials and Fuels Tunis , Sept. 19-22, 2016.

The team of four instructors from JFC Naples trained and mentored 22 officers of the Tunisian Armed Forces on the operational logistics planning process.

The training focused the students on the roles of a logistics planner at the operational level and allowed them to apply the Comprehensive Operation Planning Directive principles in practical workshops. The course also covered the history and structure of NATO, the role of the Joint Force Command and Joint Logistics Support Group, and the principles of operational deployments.

Throughout the week, the training team conducted productive engagement with their hosts, who organizers say embraced the valuable learning opportunity. Feedback from the participants was unambiguously positive, the training team said.

JFC Naples plans to conduct a wide range of MTT engagements with regional partners throughout the year, including more logistics operational planning events over the coming months.

MTT participants said that the teams represent excellent value for money training in Partner countries and are an integral part of JFC Naples’ efforts within the Mediterranean Dialogue Framework.

Story and photos by JFC Naples J4 Logistics Division

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HAMMAMET,  Tunisia – A Mobile Training Team,  or MTT,  from Allied Joint Force Command Naples’ J4 Logistics Division conducted an operational level planning course in Tunisia at the General Directorate of Rolling Materials and Fuels Tunis,  Sept. 19-22,  2016.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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