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JFC Naples MPB hosts Expert Staff Meeting with Tunisia delegation

NAPLES, Italy— The Allied Joint Force Command Naples Military Partnership Branch, or MPB, hosted an Expert Staff Meeting with a delegation from Tunisia, Nov. 22, 2016.
The meeting aimed to plan practical military cooperation with Tunisia through to the end of 2018. Areas discussed included Tunisia participation in and observation of NATO Exercises, and the dispatch of Mobile Training Teams from both JFC Naples and LANDCOM, Izmir.

"Tunisia has taken a quantum leap in its cooperation and partnership with NATO at all levels,” said French Army Col. Vincent Alexandre, JFC Naples Partnership Branch Head. "From the Operational perspective, we have gone from carrying out our very first ever MTT in November 2015, seven in 2016 and are now planning nine in 2017. In terms of numbers Tunisia will have trained in excess of 300 personnel with JFCNP and in NATO Training and Education institutions this year.” 

Tunisia joined the Mediterranean Dialogue framework in 1995. JFC Naples MPB has partnership responsibility for all seven of the countries in this framework.

Article courtesy of JFC Naples Military Partnership Branch                    

The Allied Joint Force Command Naples Military Partnership Branch,  or MPB,  hosted an Expert Staff Meeting with a delegation from Tunisia,  Nov. 22,  2016. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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80014 Lago Patria
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