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JFC Naples MPB conducts roadmap workshop in Jordan

AMMAN, Jordan -- The Jordanian Armed Forces General Headquarters hosted an Allied Joint Force Command Naples-led team of NATO subject matter experts for a week-long planning workshop in Amman as part of the Individually Tailored Roadmap, or ITR, initiative, Oct. 30, 2016.

The NATO delegation included three officers from the Military Partnership Branch and two officers from the Bi-Strategic Command Military Partnership Directorate.  During the visit, they met with representatives of more than two dozen elements of the Jordanian military, including Special Forces, command and control, Navy, Air Force and engineers.  Each representative briefed the team on their unique requirements for NATO cooperation in order to achieve the goals that Jordan has agreed with the Alliance.  The team then worked with Jordanian staff to integrate those requirements into the Jordan ITR pilot project.

This pilot project will serve as a model and a test case for the ITR initiative, which seeks to improve and consolidate NATO's partnership planning process.  Finland is the other nation currently participating in the ITR project. 
Article by JFC Naples J9 team
Photo courtesy of Jordanian Armed Forces

AMMAN,  Jordan -- The Jordanian Armed Forces General Headquarters hosted an Allied Joint Force Command Naples-led team of NATO subject matter experts for a week-long planning workshop in Amman as part of the Individually Tailored Roadmap,  or ITR,  initiative,  Oct. 30,  2016.

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