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JFC Naples Mobile Training Team conducts training in the United Arab Emirates

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates – Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from JFC Naples J9 CMI-CIMIC conducted a mobile training event on Civil-Military Cooperation (CMI) and Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and related "cross cutting topics” such as Cultural Property Protection and Building Integrity, from October 8-13, 2016.
This mobile training event was the first ever conducted by NATO on UAE soil. The aim of the mission was to introduce NATO Civil-Military Interaction and Civil-Military Cooperation concepts and procedures at strategic and operational level. Additionally, the training focused on the CMI-CIMIC staff contribution to the so called "cross cutting topics” in particular Cultural Property Protection (CPP) and Building Integrity and on the capability of CMI-CIMIC staff as networking and interaction enablers for other branches in the civil environment. To this end, several information sessions were provided. During the presentations, participants exchanged views based on their experience and background. 22 officers from United Arab Emirates Armed Forces (different specialities and several branches), in addition to civilians from the Ministry of Justice and Reservists attended the event, which was held in the "the Air and Missile Defense Training Wing” in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the UAE.

In his introductory speech, the Director, Lt Col Abdelkhaliq Mohamed Al Nuaimi highlighted how unique the opportunity was for the students to familiarize themselves with the NATO CMI-CIMIC doctrine and procedures. He encouraged utmost interaction with the MTT.
In his closing remarks, Brig. Gen. Hamdan Al Zeyoudi,  HQ JOC Deputy Commander, underlined the importance of partnership with NATO in saying "we are very grateful to NATO and JFC Naples’ MTT for such committed assistance".  The General went on to stress that the United Arab Emirates are fully committed to establishing durable interactions with NATO to enhance the understanding of the Civil Domain in complex environments like the present one. He also added that "cultural awareness is key when the forces are engaged in foreign areas, both in military operation and in crisis emergency support”.

JFC Naples MTT’s support NATO objectives and help build the trust and understanding which will lead to better cooperation in the region and will promote increasing interoperability with NATO.

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