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JFC Naples JMTT conducts training in Jordan

NAPLES, Italy - The Allied Joint Force Command Naples Joint Mobile Training Team (JFCNP JMTT) conducted  training for noncommissioned officers in Zarqa, Jordan, Sep 18-22, 2016.

A team of five NCOs from five nations - Germany, Greece, France, United Kingdom and the United States - traveled to the Jordanian NCO Academy to deliver the NATO NCO leadership training to Jordanian Armed Forces personnel.

The training is based on the two-week NATO certified "Intermediate Leadership in a Multi-National Environment” course that is taught at the NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany and the Swiss Leadership Academy in Lucerne. Although the training is structured towards developing partner nation NCOs at the Staff Sergeant and Sergeant First Class Levels, there were over 40 participants from Corporal to Warrant Officer from the various elements of the Jordanian military.
According to event participants, the commitment, natural leadership abilities and the experience levels of the participants were considerable and all were highly interested in the topics presented. Discussions during the week highlighted the importance of understanding there are always other options, with no absolute way of doing things, and that accepting cultural diversity is the key to effective interoperability.

"It was a great pleasure to host this team here in the NCOs Academy,” said Chief Warrant Officer Alaadin Maabreh, deputy commander NCO Academy of the Jordan Armed Forces. "Every participant of this training was proud to have the chance to hear and to learn from NATO NCOs.”

The JFC JMTT is looking for motivated multi-national NCOs to join the team. For more information on the JFC JMTT, please contact MWO Dean Griffin at 081 721 5652 or D.Griffin@jfcnp.nato.int.

NAPLES,  Italy - The Allied Joint Force Command Naples Joint Mobile Training Team (JFCNP JMTT) conducted  training for noncommissioned officers in Zarqa,  Jordan,  Sep 18-22,  2016.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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