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JFC Naples conducts NATO Evaluation Training Course

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia* -- SHAPE Military Partnership Division and Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted an evaluation training course and NATO Level-1 evaluation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Oct. 3-7, 2016.

The course and evaluation of the 1st Ranger Company from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia were simultaneously conducted with 26 students from 18 countries.
The aim of the course was to familiarize students with NATO’s interoperability requirements, Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and Feedback (OCC E&F) Program, and to gain necessary skills to plan and conduct an OCC E&F evaluation.

The evaluation portion was led by Turkish Army Lt. Col. Besim Gokhan Tanrikulu, JFC Naples J4 division, and French Army Maj. Didier Odet, JFC Naples J9 division, served as deputy evaluation team leader.

The 1st Ranger Company was evaluated by a NATO team against selected tasks from a standardized list. In addition to the main event /incident list, they designed an exercise provided convenient environment and tactical situations in order to evaluate the declared unit in accordance with NATO interoperability requirements.

*Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name

 Story and photos by JFC Naples J4 division

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Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia* -- SHAPE Military Partnership Division and Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted an evaluation training course and NATO Level-1 evaluation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,  Oct. 3-7,  2016.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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