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JFC Naples conducts Expert Staff Meeting in Kuwait City

KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait— An Expert Staff Meeting with Kuwait took place in Kuwait City on November 14, 2017.

French Army Col. Vincent Alexandre, JFC Naples Partnership Branch Head, was received by the Kuwaiti Armed Forces, which was led by its Chief of Military Cooperation, Brigadier General Ahmed Eid.  The meeting involved partnership discussions involving Kuwaiti Armed Forces Operations Division and NATO representatives from JFC Naples and Allied Land Command.  The focus was for both delegations to have a better understanding of each other military structures, a review of the 2016 partnership and then create a plan for practical military cooperation in 2017 and 2018.

JFC Naples’ first Mobile Training Team to Kuwait was a natural lead-in to this meeting to discuss wider training and education events for the Kuwaiti Armed Forces. Additionally, with Kuwait’s initiative to open a NATO-ICI Regional Training Center in the coming months, it was determined that the first Mobile Training Team of 2017 should be hosted in this new venue.

Kuwait is an active NATO partner country and has been a member of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) Framework since its creation in 2004. It currently participates in a number of NATO initiatives including the NATO Defense College, Senior Executive NATO courses and other Key Leader Engagements.

Article courtesy of JFC Naples Military Partnership Branch.

KUWAIT CITY,  Kuwait— An Expert Staff Meeting with Kuwait took place in Kuwait City on November 14,  2017.

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