CAIRO, Egypt - The Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted an Asymmetric Warfare-Counter-Terrorism Mobile Training Team (AW-CT MTT) with Egyptian Armed Forces, November 21 – 24, 2016.
Reinforced by one noncommissioned officer (NCO) from NATO Special Operations Headquarters, the four officers’ team shared NATO doctrine and a large variety of cases studies related to AW and CT with 52 Egyptian officers.
The MTT presented the terrorist action within its general subversive context. The presence of different experts (political, Special Operations, Intelligence, C-IEDs, urban areas and desert warfare) gave the opportunity to deliver the most precise picture of the terrorism trends.
51 partner officers (from lieutenant to general officer) representing the different Egyptian security ministries (Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defense) enhanced the course with very fruitful testimonies based on their operational experience.
This MTT was the first NATO CT MTT, and also the first NATO MTT in the Arab Republic of Egypt since 2010. Built up on a holistic approach and interactive way, this course has been of benefit to the trainees, and the trainers.
MG Ian CAVE, JFC NP DCOS PLANS, chaired the closing ceremony in the company of Egyptian general officers. During his closing remarks, MG Aly El Korashy, Egyptian Command and Staff college deputy commander, expressed his gratitude to JFC NP and the CT MTT for its involvement and the lessons provided; he also mentioned Egyptian forces wish to pursue cooperation with NATO.
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