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JFC Naples attends planning workshop in support of future NATO partner regional exercise

BANJA LUKA, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Three subject matter experts from Allied Joint Force Command Naples attended a planning workshop in support of Regional Exercise 16 (REGEX 16), Sept. 5-9, 2016. 

REGEX is a NATO-supported opportunity for partner countries to plan an exercise from beginning to end, according to their training requirements. Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) took the lead for REGEX 16 with a peace support operation scenario, marking the first time that a REGEX will hosted by a partner country. According to organizers, the REGEX initiative supports NATO objectives and builds trust and understanding for a better cooperation in the region and promotes increasing interoperability within NATO.

A total of 41 participants from 13 partner nations, the European Union Force (EUFOR) and NATO Headquarters Sarajevo attended the 6th regional collective training event planning workshop. The partner nations included: Armenia, BiH, Georgia, Jordan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Montenegro, Pakistan, Serbia, *the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Ukraine and United Arab Emirates.  

This 6th workshop finalized the REGEX 16 planning process, conducted a second site survey to the Manjaca Training Area and coordinated with BiH Armed Forces 6th Infantry Brigade officials for the live exercise portion. Additionally, the workshop included the execution of the Final Coordination Conference. All syndicates were led by Joint Staff Armed Forces BiH and mentored by the JFC Naples subject matter experts.   

One more workshop and an execution phase are planned for next month.

Story by Turkish Major Emrah Cekli, JFC Naples J9 Division
Photos by Armed Forces Bosnia and Herzegovina

*Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name

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BANJA LUKA,  Bosnia and Herzegovina – Three subject matter experts from Allied Joint Force Command Naples attended a planning workshop in support of Regional Exercise 16 (REGEX 16),  Sept. 5-9,  2016.  

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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