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Expert Staff Meeting in Mauritania

NOUAKCHOTT,  Mauritania – A delegation from JFCNP and NSHQ conducted an Expert Staff Meeting (ESM) with the Mauritanian Armed Forces in Nouakchott on 12 July 2016 .
The aim of the ESM was to discuss past cooperation activities and to prepare future ones in accordance with Mauritanian Armed Forces’ requests and Military Committee Direction and Guidance.
Open and fruitful discussions were conducted throughout the whole meeting. The JFCNP delegation closed the ESM with an office call with Major General Hanan OULD SIDI, the Mauritanian Armed Forces Deputy Chief of Staff. General OULD SIDI expressed his great satisfaction with the NATO-MAURITANIA cooperation and his wish to improve it in the fight against terrorism.

NOUAKCHOTT,   Mauritania – A delegation from JFCNP and NSHQ conducted an Expert Staff Meeting (ESM) with the Mauritanian Armed Forces in Nouakchott on 12 July 2016 .

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