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Bulgarian NFIU supports JFC Naples OLRT deployment

SOFIA, Bulgaria – The Allied Joint Force Command Naples Operational Liaison Reconnaissance Team (OLRT) deployed as part of exercise "Noble Bonus 2016,” March 13, 2016.
Exercise "Noble Bonus 2016” is a mounting and deployability exercise designed to test the procedures for deploying the OLRT. The exercise is part of an overall certification process, which will train and assess JFC Naples’ ability to command and control The 2017 NATO Response Force (NRF). The exercise will conclude March 18.
"The real value of the exercise, 'Noble Bonus,' is the collocation and physical interaction between the OLRT and the Bulgarian NFIU," said the OLRT leader, British Army Colonel Simon Lawrence. "The benefits of integration along with shared knowledge and experience cannot be underestimated and will reap dividends in the future,”
The Bulgarian NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU) has supported the deployment of the OLRT with infrastructure, logistics and transportation. This is the first time that the Bulgarian NFIU has  trained with a JFC Naples forward deployed element in order to enhance the readiness of the NATO alliance.
"The exercise adds value to our development as a newly established unit and enhances not only the smooth coordination and collaboration with JFC Naples, but also the cooperation between NATO and Bulgaria as the Host Nation,” said NFIU Commander, Bulgarian Army Colonel Stayko Prokopiev.
The Bulgarian NFIU primary responsibility is to facilitate the rapid deployment of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) and other NRF elements at a high readiness level, in order to enhance the Alliance responsiveness.
The Bulgarian NFIU is one of the two NFIUs under the operational control of JFC Naples.
Story and photos by Allied Joint Force Command Naples Public Affairs Office

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British Army Col. Simon Lawrence,  Allied Joint Force Command Naples Operational Liaison Reconnaissance Team leader,  meets with the Bulgarian NATO Force Integration Unit commander in Sophia,  Bulgaria,  March 14,  2016,  as part of exercise "Noble Bonus."  This is the first time that the Bulgarian NFIU has  trained with a JFC Naples forward element in order to enhance the readiness of the NATO alliance. (Courtesy photo)

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
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