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7th Balkans Working Group takes place in Sarajevo

Ministry of Defense, Sarajevo— German Army Brig. Gen. Reinhard Kloss, Assistant Chief of Staff  for military partnership and civil-military cooperation, led the 7th Balkans Working Group, or BLWG, hosted at the Sarajevo Ministry of Defense, Oct. 13, 2016.

Delegations from NATO offices within the Balkan nations were present.

The meeting was in the framework of a BLWG, which is held every three months, and it aimed to provide all delegations with a clear understanding of current and future operations and atmospherics throughout the Balkan region.  Updates were given on both political and military situations highlighting key issues and areas of concern. 

The BLWG’s enable the all delegations to openly discuss progress under various initiatives and strategies and to ensure that our partners are correctly supported by NATO through JFC Naples and SHAPE.

After the BLWG, the Chief NATO liaison Officer Skopje, Capt. G Bartol, formally invited all delegations to attend the next meeting to be held at Skopje in March.
Story by Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander Dave Smith, JFC Naples J9 MPB

Ministry of Defense,  Sarajevo— German Army Brig. Gen. Reinhard Kloss,  Assistant Chief of Staff  for military partnership and civil-military cooperation,  led the 7th Balkans Working Group,  or BLWG,  hosted at the Sarajevo Ministry of Defense,  Oct. 13,  2016.

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