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Feb 27 2025

Donation ceremony to the NGO Santa Marija

PRISTINA - The Civil-Military Cooperation team and leaders of Regional Command-East of the NATO-led KFOR mission, joined together for a donation ceremony of toys and IT equipment to the NGO Santa Marija in the municipality of Zvecan, Kosovo.

NGO Santa Marija is dedicated to children's education and environmental awareness. This project aims to enhance educational opportunities for Kosovo’s youth while promoting environmental sustainability.

KFOR continues to implement its mandate - based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 - to contribute to a safe and secure environment for all people and communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement, at all times and impartially. KFOR works in close coordination with the Kosovo Police and the European Union Mission on Rule of Law in Kosovo (EULEX) in their respective roles as security responders.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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