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Mar 4 2025

COMKFOR delivered a lecture at the Kosovo Leadership Academy

PRISTINA - KFOR Commander, Major General Enrico Barduani, delivered a lecture at the Kosovo Leadership Academy in Mitrovica, with a special focus on the topic of leadership.

During his speech, Major General Barduani underlined the importance of leadership in every aspect of life and highlighted the core values needed for being a good leader. COMKFOR emphasized that being a leader is not a matter of rank or position, but of mindset and actions.
“Dear students, the future of this land is in your hands, only you have the power to change things and mindsets, to demonstrate that it is possible living together, regardless ethnicity or religion. The International Community is at your side, KFOR is at your side, shoulder to shoulder, as usual. And remember: leadership isn’t just for presidents, generals, or kings. It’s for anyone who chooses to make a difference” concluded the KFOR's Commander.

KFOR continues to implement its mandate - based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 - to contribute to a safe and secure environment for all people and communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement, at all times and impartially. KFOR works in close coordination with the Kosovo Police and the European Union Mission on Rule of Law in Kosovo (EULEX) in their respective roles as security responders.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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