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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2024  /  Transfer of Authority Ceremony of the Albanian platoon and the NATO Balkan medal parade, in Camp 'Villaggio Italia'

Jul 2 2024

Transfer of Authority Ceremony of the Albanian platoon and the NATO Balkan medal parade, in Camp 'Villaggio Italia'

The Commander of the Regional Command West of the #NATO–led #KFOR mission, Colonel Francesco Ferrara, and the Senior Officer of the Albanian National Contingent of KFOR, Colonel Emeror Hajdarasi presided today over the Transfer of Authority Ceremony of the Albanian platoon and the NATO Balkan medal parade, held in Camp “Villaggio Italia”, in Pejё/Peć.

During the ceremony, Colonel Ferrara thanked the Albanian personnel for their services and contributions to KFOR’s activities.

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