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Mar 6 2024

The Italian unit of the ORF concluded its four month-deployment

The Italian unit of the Operational Reserve Battalion of the #NATO-led #KFOR mission concluded its four month-deployment, with a ceremony held in Pejë/Peć. The unit consisted of the 186th regiment of Italian paratroopers “Folgore” and additional personnel from the Italian Army and Carabinieri.

Colonel Giovanni Corrado, Commander of the regiment “Folgore,” was honoured with the non-Article 5 NATO medal, in recognition of his excellent services. “I would like this to be a moment of recognition of the spirit with which this splendid and heterogeneous group of people tackled and accomplished their mission,” he said. KFOR Deputy Commander, Brigadier General Federico Bernacca, expressed his appreciation to Colonel Corrado and his troops for their invaluable contributions. ”Women and men of the Operational Reserve Battalion, your daily actions have demonstrated the credibility and effectiveness of your role. You have risen to the challenge and you have honoured the prestige of the Italian flag in this region of strategic importance for the Alliance, through your unconditional service,” he pointed out. Brigadier General Bernacca also highlighted KFOR’s continued security efforts across Kosovo to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for the benefit of all communities.

The Italian Deputy Ambassador, Dr Ugo Ferrero, said: “I would like to underscore the words of appreciation that the #KFOR Commander, Major General Özkan Ulutaş, shared with us just a few days ago on the readiness you have displayed in the implementation of all of the tasks assigned to you, including those related to the guarding of Serb municipalities buildings and other security activities in northern Kosovo, notably in the municipalities of Zubin Potok and Zveçan/Zvečan, as well as in Mitrovicë e Jagut/Južna Mitrovica and Podujevë/Podujevo.” 

Italy's significant contributions to #KFOR over the past 25 years have been synonymous with trust and professionalism, which have been recognized by all parties involved.

Numerous civil and military authorities took part in the ceremony, including the Commander of the EU Rule of Law Mission (EULEX), Major General Pietro Barbano, the Commander of KFOR Regional Command West, Colonel Francesco Ferrara, the Commander of the Multinational Specialized Unit, Colonel Massimo Rosati, and the Commander of the Military Police of the Regional Command West, Major Francesco Giangreco.

KFOR continues to implement its mandate - based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 - to provide a safe and secure environment for all communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement, at all times and impartially. KFOR is the third security responder, after the Kosovo Police and EULEX, respectively, with whom we work in close coordination.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office.

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