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Jun 11 2024

COM KFOR meets with Turkish General Staff Chief of Operation Major General Subutay Adas in Pristina

Today, the Commander of the #NATO-led #KFOR mission, Major General Özkan Ulutaş, met with the Head of the EU Rule of Law (EULEX) mission, Major General Giovanni Pietro Barbano, the Head of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission, His Excellency Michael Davenport, the Head of the European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for Kosovo, His Excellency Tomáš Szunyog, the Senior Political Advisor of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Mr. Burk Ceylan, in Camp Film City, in Pristina.

They shared views on security trends in Kosovo and across the region, on mutual cooperation, and on KFOR’s daily efforts, including its support to the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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