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Jul 2 2023

Change of Command for RC-EAST


PRISTINA - KFOR Commander, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, presided over the ceremony of the Change of Command of KFOR Regional Command-East between Col. Chris M. Mabis and Col. Kenneth Ross Walker during a ceremony held at Camp Bondsteel.

Major General Ristuccia, Commander of the NATO-led KFOR Mission, expressed his appreciation to the outgoing KFOR RC-E Commander: “Colonel Mabis your extensive situational understanding, leadership capability, and dedication to mission has elevated the readiness and professionalism of RC-East and KFOR significantly. I am proud of your unit’s contribution and tradition of success.” He also emphasised the important role played by Regional Command East during the recent tensions in the north of the region, helping to maintain a safe and secure environment in Kosovo.

KFOR remains fully focused on the daily implementation of its mandate – based on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 – to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all the people living in Kosovo.


Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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