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Apr 13 2023

Change of Command for ISRBN


PRISTINA - Commander of the NATO-led KFOR mission, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, presided over the Change of Command Ceremony of the Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Battalion (ISRBN) between Lieutenant Colonel Federico Ghiani and Lieutenant Colonel Sandro Leo during a ceremony held at Camp Film City.

Major General Ristuccia, expressed his appreciation to the outgoing ISRBN Commander: “Lieutenant Colonel Ghiani, your outstanding professionalism and ability in leading the ISRBN for the past six months has been invaluable to success of KFOR”.

Major General Ristuccia also pointed out that KFOR stands fully focused on the daily implementation of its mandate – based on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 - to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities living in Kosovo.

The KFOR Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Battalion (ISRBN) is stationed at Pristina, Camp Film City and it is one of the COMKFOR subordinate units. ISRBN includes a core set of combined organizations and resources that have intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance as their primary functions. ISR missions can last for days and may require constant effort from multiple assets working in a synchronized manner. Highly trained professionals from eight NATO and non NATO countries daily operate KOSOVO wide to provide answers to intelligence requirements in time to support the COMKFOR decisions and to ensure mission success.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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