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Aug 6 2022

Transfer of Authority for Polish Contingent


Pristina -  The Transfer of Authority Ceremony between the XLV and XLVI rotation of the Polish Military Contingent of KFOR was held at Camp Novo Selo in which LTC Piotr SZOŁOMICKI relinquished command to LTC Paweł GANDERA.

The ceremony was attended by several distinguished guests from the KFOR Regional Command-East, senior officers of Camp Novo Selo, all Command Sergeant Majors, and representatives of the UNMIK.

In his remarks, the new Commander, LTC GANDERA, addressed the soldiers and staff of the employees of the Ministry of National Defense saying "I count on your commitment to your tasks, gaining international experience through exemplary discipline with the Polish flag on your shoulder and the white eagle in your heart".

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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