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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2022  /  KFOR AND EULEX CONDUCT EXERCISE “JOINT VENTURE 22”

Feb 22 2022



PRISTINA - In KFOR HQ, Camp Film City, took place the "Joint Venture 22" exercise, in the framework of the cooperation existing in the field of security in Kosovo between KFOR and EULEX, respectively the NATO-led international force and the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo.

Through theoretical activities, KFOR and EULEX staff members had the opportunity to interact and respond to the injections of fictitious scenarios, where the discussion procedure aimed to create action and reaction, in response to different simulated events and incidents. The exercise was conducted in tabletop mode, with frequent injects of new information designed to test the most delicate aspects of crises and conflict management in a joint operational environment.

The aim of the exercise, conducted under the guidance of KFOR Deputy Commander Brigadier General Luca Piperni, was to check the readiness level in managing emergency in a coordinated way between International security organizations such as KFOR and EULEX.

It was also an opportunity to test the command & control and communications procedures and to evaluate the preparation of the KFOR HQ and EULEX staff making it possible to identify possible new guidelines that strengthen and make more effective the cooperation between the two organizations.

NATO-KFOR's mission is to contribute to guarantee a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement in all of Kosovo, as mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. In presence of any kind of warning that could affect the security situation, KFOR is ready to adopt any necessary measure to keep Kosovo safe, in close coordination with Kosovo Police and EULEX, for the benefit of every citizen living in Kosovo.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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KFOR HQ Pristina
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina