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Feb 2 2022

Deputy Supreme Allied Command Europe visited KFOR


Pristina - General Sir Tim RADFORD, Deputy Supreme Allied Command Europe (DSACEUR), accompanied by Major General Gábor HORVÁTH, Hungarian National Military Representative at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, traveled to Camp Film City to visit the KFOR Commander, Major General Ferenc KAJÁRI.

General RADFORD and General HORVÁTH had an office call with the COMKFOR and then they were provided in-depth briefings on the KFOR structure, the ongoing operations and future activities that have been planned for 2022.

The Generals gained a comprehensive understanding of how KFOR is fully engaged in maintaining through operational level exercises, a high level of readiness and interoperability among all the 28 contributing nations, as well as continuously ensuring a safe and secure environment in Kosovo under the authority of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

NATO has been leading a peace support operation in Kosovo since 12 June 1999 in support of wider international efforts to build peace and stability in the area.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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KFOR HQ Pristina
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina