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KFOR  /  Media Center  /  Archive  /  News  /  2022  /  CIMIC CONFERENCE HOSTED BY KFOR

Mar 2 2022



PRISTINA – Experts of Civil and Military Cooperation (CIMIC) met at the Headquarters of KFOR, the NATO-led international Force for the second edition of the KFOR CIMIC conference.

The main aim of the conference was to strengthen relationships between International Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations and KFOR with the goal of increasing the social and economic development of Kosovo.

In his opening remarks, KFOR Commander, Major General Ferenc Kajari underlined how it is essential that KFOR and all the NGO, present in Kosovo ,work together and keep as there priority the wellbeing of the people in Kosovo. Everyone's effort should be in promoting trough assistance projects the stability in the entire region.

KFOR, with civil-military cooperation projects, assistance and donations, is an active part of overall effort of NATO to support institutions and communities of Kosovo, especially supporting the improvement of education and health .

In 2021 the NATO mission in Kosovo was able to complete 26 assistance projects.

KFOR also during all of 2022 will continue to support the development of a stable and peaceful Kosovo, through CIMIC projects and donation, and will support, in the entire Kosovo region, any initiative that may ensure to the present and future generations to live in a safe and secure environment.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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