PRISTINA - At Camp Villaggio Italia, took place the change of command ceremony of the Regional Command West (RC-W), the multinational unit led by the Italian Armed Forces , responsible for the western sector of Kosovo.
The outgoing Italian contingent, based on the "Horse" Land Artillery Regiment of the Pozzuolo del Friuli Brigade, was relinquished by the Piemonte Cavalry Regiment (2nd). The Commander of KFOR, Division General Ferenc Kajári , presided the ceremony that marks the passing of command between Col. Marco Javarone and Col. Ivano Marotta, who takes over the leadership the RC-W
Present also during the ceremony were: the Ambassador of Italy in Kosovo, H.E. Dr. Antonello De Riu, the Honorary Consul of Italy Naim Gacaferi, , the Chief of Staff of the Italian Joint Operational Headquarters (COVI), Admiral Valter Zappellini, the Commander of Regional Command East (RC-E) Colonel Christopher Samulski, the Commander of the Multinational Specialized Unit (MSU) Colonel Maurizio Mele, representatives of the OSCE, UNMIK, Mayors of the municipalities of Western Kosovo.
Colonel Javarone thanked all the authorities for their presence and addressing the women and men deployed--"This period has given me the opportunity and the privilege of commanding soldiers representing ten different nations: I want to thank them all for the professionalism and determination that they have shown throughout their mandate and also tell them that each of them have provided a valuable and significant contribution to the KFOR mission."
KFOR is the most consistent NATO mission by number of soldiers, with its 3,700 men and women employed, of which about 628 are Italians belonging to all four Armed Forces, who daily contribute to a safe environment and freedom of movement for all communities living in Kosovo, in accordance with UN resolution 1244 of 1999.