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Jan 11 2023

Cavalry Guardian Exercise


PRISTINA - The NATO-led KFOR mission conducted a complex Medical Evacuation exercise called 'CAVALRY GUARDIAN' at the training area “POLUZE AIRFIELD”. The exercise was carried out in the presence of the Deputy Commander of KFOR, Brigadier General József SZPISJÁK, and of the Chief of Staff of KFOR, Brigadier General John BOZICEVIC.

The exercise focused on an operational and tactical scenario involving a complex vehicles incident, managed by a KFOR patrols requiring also a coordinated medical, explosive ordnance disposal Team, Military Police and fire and rescue response, with the intervention of aviation assets as well. Also tested the ability of the various contingents provided by allies and #NATO partners to successfully improve KFOR's interoperability and operational effectiveness.

Through regular exercises, KFOR maintains a high level of operational readiness.

Our mission is fully focused on the daily implementation of our mandate – based on the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 – to provide a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement, for the benefit of all communities living in Kosovo. #KFOR has a flexible, agile and visible posture on the ground, which allows to promptly and effectively tackle any development on the ground that could affect the security situation and to undertake all measures necessary to continue fulfilling its #UN mandate.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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