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Oct 25 2021

Slovenian Contingent Transfer of authority in Camp Villaggio Italia


PRISTINA - The Transfer of Authority of the Slovenian contingent occurred in Camp "Villaggio Italia" with the presence of the Slovenian Ambassador, H.E. Ms. Minca Benedejcic.

KFOR Regional Command West Commander, Colonel Andrea Bertazzo expressed his appreciation for the work accomplished and the everyday commitment displayed by the Slovenian soldiers. In addition, Colonel Andrea Bertazzo took the opportunity to greet the new Slovenian contingent Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Bojan Langerholc and wished him all the best for his new post as Regional Command West Deputy Commander.

The Transfer of Authority is an important ceremony for any unit; it implies taking on the responsibility of the mission assigned.

The Slovenian contingent constitutes one of the maneuver units of the Regional Command West and performs a broad range of tasks, including the protection of Camp Villaggio Italia, as well as patrols within the area of operations, synchronized activities with Kosovo Police, and surveillance of Visoky Decane Monastery, where KFOR acts as first security responder.

NATO-led KFOR's mission, is to contribute to guarantee a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo, as mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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