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Jun 24 2021

SACEUR General Wolters visited KFOR


PRISTINA - Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Tod D. Wolters, visited KFOR HQ in Pristina on June 22. During the visit, SACEUR General Wolters met with KFOR Commander, Major General Franco Federici, along with the international HQ Staff, discussing the current security situation in Kosovo.

SACEUR General Wolters also addressed and met with troops assigned to KFOR, expressing his appreciation for the key role the command plays in maintaining security in the Western Balkans.

"KFOR is the principal stabilizing force in Kosovo and plays a strategic role in maintaining security across the entire Western Balkans region. Its contributions to freedom of movement for all citizens in Kosovo and facilitation of the Euro-Atlantic integration in the region over the past twenty-two years has been outstanding and helped transform Kosovo into a safer place." – stated SACEUR General Tod D. Wolters.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

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Camp Film City
10000, Pristina