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May 24 2021

KFOR Deputy Commander met with the Liaison and Monitoring Team K-12

KFOR Deputy Commander and LMTs in the Lipjan city center.

PRISTINA - KFOR Deputy Commander, Brigadier General GÜNTER SCHÖPF visited the Liaison and Monitoring Team K-12 in Lipjan/Lipljan.

LMT Leader provided a comprehensive informative brief to General SCHÖPF on: the area, the responsibilities, and the organization of the LMT. In particular the KFOR Deputy Commander was informed on the positive behavior that is consistently shown towards KFOR by the multi-ethnic population living there.

Afterwards General SCHÖPF carried out a visit in the Lipjan/Lipljan city center where he had the opportunity to visit the Serbian Orthodox Church, Presentation of Holy Virgin Mary, and receive a description on the history of the Church. From Lipjan/Lipljan, Deputy Commander moved to Janjeve/Janjevo where he walked through the city streets and he paused for pay a visit to the Mosque Murat Bey.

During his visit, General SCHÖPF was thanked for the support that KFOR and its LMTs, in particularly K-12 the essential work they have been doing in that area for years. Before leaving the city, Brigadier General SCHÖPF thanked all the members of LMT K-12 and personally expressed his appreciation for their hard work and professionalism proved in executing the sensitive task of listening to needs and proposing solutions for the exclusive benefit of the local population.

The Liaison and Monitoring Teams provide KFOR with "situational awareness”, through liaison activities with the local institutions, International Organizations and particularly with the local population. They conduct daily monitoring movements in order to gain a sense of the economic, social and political situation.

The NATO-led KFOR mission is focused on the daily implementation of its mandate derived from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999, namely to provide a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo.

Story by KFOR  Public Affairs Office

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