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Oct 9 2021

KFOR CIMIC donation to the University of Pristina

PRISTINA- Based on an initiative of the KFOR Gender Advisor Office, KFOR donated video and online broadcasting equipment to the Department of Journalism of the University of Pristina.

This equipment will allow students to online transmit events and inform the community about various important topics such as students' community life and higher education. This project will help students to gain social media and online live broadcasting knowledge and further prepare them for the media market.

The Director of the Media Department, Prof. Assist. Dr. Remzie Shahini-Hoxhaj, explains that this equipment will help approximately 450 Bachelor and Master level students as well as the academic staff to offer quality education in the field of Journalism.

This is an another example testifying that KFOR is continuing to support the development of a stable and peaceful Kosovo and it is performing its mission to ensure a better future, with special regards to offer best quality education. For this reason, through its projects and donation, KFOR will continue to dedicate its efforts in supporting any initiative that might improve the future of the population, with a special eye for the youngest generation.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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