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May 27 2021

IRON SUSA Exercise

Manual Launching of UAV

PRISTINA - Regional Command West elements conducted a training exercise in Camp "Villaggio Italia" (Peja/Peć) on 27th of May. The drill had the aim to increase the interoperability between several assets composing the multinational unit.

An infantry Company compiled by soldiers from Italy, Moldova and North Macedonia, replicated an intervention to quell a civilian riot, in close coordination with a specialist units operating an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV), namely the drones "RAVEN B/DDL". This tactical manual-launched UAV represent a very flexible and effective intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance tool, which allows the acquisition of images and videos in real time in a range of several kilometres from the spot.

It is well know that nowadays, the UAV systems allow to obtain a timely and precise consciousness about the area of operation and concerning what is occurring on it, and for sure this aspect represents a considerable advantage for the Commanders and the soldiers called to intervene on the spot by having constantly all the information available to counter the threat.

The utilization of these modern means and high-tech equipment allows KFOR soldiers to carry out their daily tasks in maintaining a safe and secure environment for the benefit of all communities in Kosovo, as mandate by UNSCR 1244.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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