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Aug 19 2021

Greek Deputy Minister of the National Defense visited KFOR

PRISTINA - KFOR Deputy Commander, Brigadier General Günter SCHÖPF, in behalf of KFOR Commander, welcomed the Deputy Minister of National Defense of Greece, H.E. ALKIVIADIS STEFANIS, at the KFOR Headquarters in Pristina.

The two authorities exchanged their views on the current security situation in the Western Balkans. Focusing on Kosovo the positive and close collaboration that KFOR maintains with the local institutions was underlined .

The meeting is part of the KFOR Commander High Level Talks agenda which take place regularly, with the all representatives of the KFOR Troops Contributing Nations, with the aim to preserve a constant and effective cooperation in supporting the development of a stable and peaceful Kosovo and enhance any initiative that might improve the population's living standards.

KFOR Deputy Commander took this opportunity to expressed to the Deputy Minister his appreciation for the Greek soldiers' high professionalism, dedication and commitment who are serving within KFOR.

Kosovo Force is NATO's longest-running mission. It is a success story for the Alliance and its partners. For the past twenty-two years, KFOR has been helping transform Kosovo into a safer place.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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