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Jun 4 2021

Family Room inaugurated at the Kosovo Police headquarters in Skenderaj

Pristina - KFOR MSU donated the first Family room at the Kosovo Police headquarters in Skenderaj, as part of a wide-ranging project that will equip Kosovo Police headquarters in Kosovo with other similar rooms. 

MSU Commander, Colonel Stefano Fedele, the Directorate Commander of the of Mitovica South, Colonel Aferdita Mikullovci and the KFOR Gender Advisor, Major Andrea Zach, have been also present at the ceremony.

The Family room is a room set up, according to internationally recognized criteria, for listening to victims of domestic violence in a peaceful and relaxing environment, and able to allow the victims to tell their stories to the KP Officers in a safe and comfortable structure.

The initiative is part of a major project commissioned by KFOR to contrast the phenomenon of domestic violence, one of the most experienced challenges at this time in Kosovo, especially during the pandemic and by fragile people.

The project also includes food and clothes donations to safe houses in Kosovo (houses for the benefit of women and their children victims of domestic violence). KFOR remains committed to helping all communities throughout Kosovo under the UNSCR 1244 of 1999.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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