PRISTINA - KFOR Commander, Major General Franco Federici welcomed the Commander of United States Army Europe and Africa, General Christopher Cavoli, at Camp Film City, KFOR HQ in Pristina.
During the meeting they discussed the overall situation in Kosovo focusing mainly on the current security issues.
"I am very pleased to have this opportunity to visit KFOR Command”, said General Cavoli , "it's very encouraging to see how KFOR continues to deal with current challenges and contributes in maintaining a safe and secure environment in Kosovo and stability within the Balkans region” added US ARMY EUROPE AND AFRICA Commander.
General Federici had the opportunity to express his appreciation for the important role, the professionalism and the outstanding contribution of U.S. service members in KFOR.
The U.S. is the biggest contingent in KFOR and is also the lead Nation of regional Command East.
U.S. Army Europe and Africa provides ready, combat-credible land forces to deter, and, if necessary, defeat aggression from any potential adversary in Europe and Africa.
The NATO-led KFOR mission is focused on the daily implementation of its mandate derived from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999, namely to provide a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo.