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Sep 17 2021

COMKFOR met with the Head of the Belgian diplomatic office in Pristina


PRISTINA - The KFOR Commander, Major General Franco Federici, received H.E. Julien Sassel, head of the Belgian diplomatic office in Pristina/ Prishtinë.

The most prominent topics conversed during the meeting have concerned the security situation in Kosovo and the cooperation between KFOR, and the international community and local institutions. Among other things it was also recalled that the Belgian armed forces have been present in Kosovo from 1999 to 2010.

During the recent days the KFOR Commander has been conducting a series of official meetings with representatives of diplomacy and international organizations present in Kosovo whose elements of discussion are concerning the current security and political developments in Kosovo and the Western Balkans more general. The value of cooperation among the International Organizations and the NATO-led KFOR mission was the focus of the discussion too.

NATO's Kosovo Force remains its longest ongoing operation; it comprises troops from 28 nations and it represents a success story for the Alliance and its partners in contributing to guarantee a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement to all communities living in Kosovo as mandated by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999.

Story by KFOR Public Affairs Office

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